Token symbol: WAND
Launch block:
Polygon: 18038199
BSC: 10154394
Token contract:
Polygon: 0x85f94ca53de6deafb171ca8fc1f019f91952777c
BSC: 0x469d75129f8712f93cf2c3ea2d12981b07c01c6a
Chain: Polygon Matic / BSC
Max Supply: 10,000,000 WAND
Emission: 0.15 WAND per block
Pre-minted: 10.000 WAND for setup liquidity + IFO + Partnership
Listing price: $15
WAND development wallet will receive 10% of the emission rate. Mostly will be burned, the left will be used in partnership, to pay the community team/influencers.
Last updated
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